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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Vrishchikasana (Scorpion Pose)

‘Vrishchika’ means a scorpion. In this asana, the body assumes the pose of a scorpion. So it is called Vrishchikasana. Those who can practise, Sheershasana or Hastavrikshasana for a long time can practise this asana with ease and comfort. 

Procedure for Vrishchikasana (Scorpion Pose):
  • A beginner should practise this asana with the support of a wall.
  • Place the forearms and the elbows on the floor.
  • Push against the floor lightly with the legs.
  • Slowly move the legs five cms away from the wall and try to balance the body on the forearms.
  • Breathe normally. Practise this for a few days.
  • After achieving proficiency, bend the legs at the knees and try to place the soles on the head.
  • Patient practice will in time impart the necessary ability to balance the body on the palms braced on the ground.

Advantages of Vrishchikasana (Scorpion Pose):
  • This asana strengthens the arms and shoulders.
  • The spine is turned backward in this asana which brings flexibility and imparts radiance and youth to the body. 
  • It gives sufficient exercise to the abdominal muscles.
  • It has all the advantages of Sheershasana, Chakarasana and Dhanurasana.

  • Respiratory disorders
  • Asthma
  • Backache
  • Weight Loss
  • Digestive disorders
  • Many forms of nervous and glandular disorder, especially those related to the reproductive system.
  • Varicose veins
  • Anxiety
  • Anger management

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Tolasana (Scale Pose)

This is a variation of Bakasana. This asana is also called Tulitasana.

Procedure for Tolasana (Scale Pose):
  • Practise Bakasana as shown in Bakasana Technique 1. 
  • At the last stage of the asana, do not rest the soles under the elbows, but keep them a bit apart in the middle of the arms. 
  • This pose is known as Tolasana. 
  • Do the remaining part of the exercise as you would do while practicing Bakasana. Gradually, increase the time to the limit of fifteen minutes.
Advantages of Tolasana (Scale Pose): 

  • In the practice of this asana, the eyes are frequently concentrated on the part between the eye-brows. This removes many common defects of the eyes.
  • This asana has all the benefits of Bakasana.
  • It cures all the diseases which Utthita Padmasana cures. It has the same benefits as Utthita Padmasana.

  • Respiratory disorders
  • Asthma
  • Weight Loss
  • Digestive disorders
  • Constipation
  • Colic Pain
  • Backache

Monday, September 15, 2014

Bakasana (Crow Pose)

‘Baka’ means a stork. Bakasana is one among the best of the asanas. Two different techniques have been given here.

Procedure for Bakasana (Crow Pose):
  • Brace the palms on the floor. 
  • Press the shin against the arms. 
  • Now, raise the body. Place the toes under the elbows so as to support them. 
  • Hold the breath. Hold the position. 
  • Gradually, increases the time to the limit of fifteen minutes.

  • Take the position of Bakasana as shown in image. 
  • In the first type of Bakasana, the soles are supported under the elbows. 
  • In the second type, there is a variation. 
  • Take the soles backwards and rest them together below the hips as shown in Technique-II. 
  • See that the right sole presses against the left sole.
  • The remaining process is the same as shown in the first type.

Advantages of Bakasana (Crow Pose): 
  • This asana exercises all the parts of the body. 
  • It particularly strengthens the organs of the abdomen and chest. 
  • The spine also achieves strength, flexibility and vitality.
  • As the Prana is sublimated in the asana, it bestows mental peace.
  • It has all the benefits that Utthita Padmasana has.
  • It stimulates the digestive, the respiratory and the nervous systems.
  • It prevents obesity in the body.

  • Digestive disorders
  • Constipation
  • Colic Pain
  • Backache
  • Weight Loss
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Asthma

Friday, August 15, 2014

Mayurasana (Peacock Pose)

‘Mayura’ means a peacock. This asana is a straight plane with the forearms as leaves. When this asana is performed, the body assumes the posture which resembles a peacock, which explains the Sanskrit name Mayurasana. Compared with other asanas, this asana is difficult to practice. Physical fitness is a prerequisite to practice this asana. To gymnasts this asana is easy.

Procedure for Mayurasana (Peacock Pose):
  • Kneel on the floor with the knees slightly apart. Support the legs on the feet. Invert the palms and place them between the knees.
  • There should be a distance of three to four cms between the palms.
  • The little fingers should be placed together pointing towards the feet.
  • The thumbs should firmly press the ground.
  • Keep both the hands steady and firm.
  • Then slowly bring the elbows close to the abdomen just under the navel.
  • Rest the diaphragm on the elbows.
  • The elbows are placed together to provide a suitable fulcrum on which the horizontal body could rest.
  • This is the first stage of Mayurasana.
  • Now, stretch the legs. Raise the heels and hold the legs parallel to the ground.
  • If you find it hard to take both the legs backwards together, stretch the legs straight one by one and keep them together and stiff.
  • If you try to slightly bend the trunk at the head, the legs would be lifted up of their own accord from the floor.
  • Then it would be easy to stretch the legs backwards.
  • When the posture is correctly assumed, the head, the hips, the thighs, the legs and the feet will be in a straight line parallel to the ground.
  • Practice this asana for five to twenty seconds.
  • Hold the breath at the time of raising the body.
  • This will revitalize the body.
  • Exhale quietly when the asana is completed.
  • One who possesses a sound physique can practice this asana for two to three minutes.
Advantages of Mayurasana (Peacock Pose):
  • This asana gives much exercise in a limited time. It is a great energizing exercise. It amazingly increases the power of digestion.
  • It cures the diseases caused by the excess of ‘vata’, ‘pitta’ and ‘kafa’ (wind, bile and phlegm). It stops the bleeding caused by piles. It also prevents diabetes.
  • It strengthens the muscles of the arms, awakens the Kundalini and cures constipation.
  • It exerts intra-abdominal pressure with the result that the abdominal organs and the lungs become rejuvenated, and it also eliminates the liver disorders.
  • The practice of this asana stimulates the circulation of the blood in the body. Consequently, the body becomes bright and radiant.
  • It prevents obesity in the body.
  • Digestive disorders
  • Constipation
  • Piles
  • Diabetes
  • Backache
  • Weight Loss
  • Asthma
  • Colic Pain

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Yoga Asanas on Hand Positions

Katiasana (Twist in Knee Stand Pose)

This asana is very beneficial to the waist and the abdomen. It is a bit difficult to practise but with continuous and regular practise, one will be able to practise it with ease.

Procedure for Katiasana (Twist in Knee Stand Pose):
  • Lie flat on the back.
  • Raise both the leg up.
  • Now hold the left toe with the left hand and the right toe with the right hand. Then straighten both the legs.
  • Inhale deeply.
  • The head and the waist should be firmly attached to the floor.
  • Remain in this position for about ten seconds and then revert to the original position.
  • In the beginning, practise this asana four times daily.
  • Later, it can be practise six times a day.

Advantages of Katiasana (Twist in Knee Stand Pose):
  • This asana cure all the diseases of the waist.
  • It stimulates the blood circulation in the heart, purifies the blood and prevents heart-troubles.
  • It strengthens the lungs and the shoulders.
  • It is a sure remedy for colic pain.

  • Digestive disorders
  • Constipation
  • Backache
  • Weight Loss
  • Asthma
  • Colic Pain

Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

This asana is known as Matsyasana because in this asana, with the help of Plavini Pranayama, one can float on the surface of water, like a fish. ‘Matsya’ is the Sanskrit word for fish. This asana is not very difficult to perform. Some practice will enable one to perform this asana easily. This asana is very useful for concentration, meditation and self-realization. There are three techniques to perform this asana.

Procedure for Matsyasana (Fish Pose):
  • Lie on the back.
  • Start with the Padmasana pose with the right leg on the left thigh and the left leg on the right thigh.
  • Lock the forearms and rest your head on them.
  • Breathe normally.
  • This is the first technique of practise Matsyasana.

  • Sit in Padmasana and then lie flat on the back.
  • Hold the left toe with the right hand and the right toe with the left hand.

  • Sit in Padmasana and lie flat on the back.
  • Slide the head backwards in such a way that the crown of the head and the hips would support the body.
  • Between the head and the hips, an arch is formed similar to a bridge.
  • Now stretch your arms forward and hold the toes with the fingers.
  • In this technique, the neck is pulled in such a way that it gives the body the shape of an arch.

  • Fat persons having bulky muscles of their legs can perform this asana instead of practice Padmasana.
  • First practise Padmasana. Then practise Matsyasana.
  • This asana should be done foe ten seconds at the beginning.
  • Increase the time gradually.
  • At the time of the completion of the asana, loosen the head with the help of the hands. Sit and practise Padmasana.

Advantages of Matsyasana (Fish Pose):
  • The stiffness in the neck-muscles and the dullness around the throat-muscles caused by Sarvangasana can be alleviated by practicing Matsyasana immediately after performing Sarvangasana.
  • It stimulates the facial nerves and blood vessels thus brighten up the face.
  • The windpipe and the sound box remain open while practicing this asana. This induces deep breathing.
  • It activates the spine column and the muscles of the back.
  • This exercise enlarges the thoracic cage ad allows deeper breathing. It tones up the digestive system.
  • This asana is beneficial to those suffering from asthma. It removes the disorders of the entire respiratory system.

  • GI disorders
  • Digestive disorders
  • Constipation
  • Backache
  • Weight Loss
  • Asthma
  • Rheumatism

Suptabhadrasana (Sleeping Butterfly Pose)

This asana is also called ‘Suptagorakshasana’. Japa, Pranayama, Dhyana (Meditation) and other activities can be performed easily in this asana. This can be performed in two different postures.

Procedure for Suptabhadrasana (Sleeping Butterfly Pose):
  • Bend the right leg at the knee and join the heel in front of the right side of the genitals.
  • Similarly, bend the left leg at the knee and join the heel in front of the left side of the genitals.
  • Let the soles touch each other.
  • Then lie flat on the back.
  • Now, lie in such a way as the heels do not touch the part close to the genitals. While performing this exercise, the soles of both the feet should be in constant touch with each other.
  • Now, spread the arms sideways and place the hands on the thighs and press them down quite gently.
  • Both the arms should remain straight.
  • Do this exercise for thirty seconds in the beginning and gradually increases the time to maximum of fifteen minutes.

  • First practise Suptabhadrasana as shown in Technique-I.
  • Then close hands by interlocking the fingers of both the hands.
  • Raise the head, the neck and the shoulders.
  • Slide the interlocked hand over loses and stretch the heels pressing the thighs. Now, straighten both the hands and allow the body to relax.
  • Those who fined ‘Baddhahastapadmasana’ difficult to perform should practise this asana.
  • Practise this asana for thirty seconds at the beginning. Gradually, increase the time to maximum of three minutes.

Advantages of Suptabhadrasana (Sleeping Butterfly Pose):
  • This asana stimulates the blood circulation with the result that the internal glands function properly.
  • It strengthens the heart. The heart beats normally even if one works strenuously.
  • As the spine remains erect in this asana, the activities like Japa, Pranayama, Meditation, etc. can be done easily.
  • It sublimates Kundalini Shakti.
  • As this asana makes every system of the body much more active, the body becomes healthy and the mind cheerful.
  • The second technique of Suptabhadrasana strengthens the joints and the muscles of the arms and the legs.
  • This asana is of the same category of Padmasana, Matsyasana and Padmadolasana, so it has all the benefits of those asanas. It can cure all such diseases as are cured by the asanas mentioned above.

  • Backache
  • Weight Loss
  • Asthma
  • Rheumatism
  • Constipation
  • GI disorders
  • Digestive disorders

Tolangulasana (Scale Pose)

When this asana is performed, the body takes the shape of scales. So it is called Tolangulasana.

Procedure for Tolangulasana (Scale Pose):
  • Lie with the foot-lock as in Padmasana. 
  • Place your hands, palms upward, under the middle part of the hips. 
  • If it is difficult to place the palms under the hips, lift the body up with the help of the elbows and rest. 
  • Thus, the body will remain supported on the elbows and the hips. 
  • Hold the breath as long as possible. 
  • Then exhale slowly. 
  • Keep the eyes open and the body stretched. 
  • Breathe normally. 
  • Bend the neck forward and fix the eyes on the navel. 
  • Retain the posture for half a minute to begin with, and progressively, but quite slowly, increase the duration maximum to three minutes depending on individual age, strength and benefits desired. 
  • Practice this asana five to ten times.

Advantages of Tolangulasana (Scale Pose):
  • This asana relieves foul gases accumulated in the stomach.
  • This asana makes the vertebral column elastic and flexible.
  • The abdominal tension pushes down all fecal matter to the end of the passage of the colon.
  • It stimulates blood circulation in the muscles and the nerves of the arms and the hands which are incidentally tones up and strengthened.
  • It increases the elasticity of the spine and tones up the nervous system.
  • It strengthens and enlarges the rib-box.
  • It cures diseases such as constipation, dysentery, asthma, tuberculosis and diabetes.
  • It cures the swelling in the thighs and strengthens the loins.
  • The constant practice of this asana improves the functioning of the sound box and brings melody to the voice. It improves the eyesight.
  • One experiences the fresh flow of energy and vitality in the arms and the shoulders.

  • Diabetes
  • Weight Loss
  • Backache
  • Rheumatism
  • Constipation
  • Dysentery
  • GI disorders
  • Digestive disorders
  • Asthma
  • Varicose veins

Uttanapadasana (The Raised Leg Pose)

This asana is very useful for removing the excess fat of the body. It is like Ekapada Uttanasana with the variation that in Uttanapadasana both the legs are to be lifted and lowered together.

Procedure for Uttanapadasana (The Raised Leg Pose):
  • Lie flat on the back.
  • Keep the arms by the side of body.
  • Keep the heels and the feet together. Inhale slowly.
  • Then lift the legs up slowly.
  • Retain this position for six to eight seconds.
  • Hold the breath.
  • Bring the leg slowly down on the floor.
  • Exhale.
  • Take rest for six to eight seconds and repeat the same.
  • In the beginning, practise this asana four times a day and gradually increase it to five or six times a day.

Advantages of Uttanapadasana (The Raised Leg Pose):
  • This asana gives sufficient exercise to every muscle of the abdomen. The abdominal muscles are strengthened and the digestive system functions efficiently.
  • This asana reduces the fat in the body.
  • It tones up the pancreas and alleviates indigestion and constipation.
  • This asana is beneficial to those who suffer from backache and pain of the loins and thighs. Moreover, it is a boon to those who suffer from the discomfort caused by intestinal worms.
  • It rejuvenates the spinal nerves and the brain cells, strengthens the muscles and activates them.
  • This asana is a good remedy for piles in the initial stage.
  • This asana cures hiccough, pain in the thighs, belching, constipation and helps expelling the wind at the anus.
  • It is an introduction to Sarvangasana.

  • Weight Loss
  • Backache
  • Rheumatism
  • Asthma
  • Constipation
  • GI disorders
  • Digestive disorders
  • Varicose veins

Ekapada Uttanasana (Standing Splits Pose)

This asana gives sufficient exercise to the abdominal muscles. This asana is to be performed with one leg at a time and then changing it to other leg.       

Procedure for Ekapada Uttanasana (Standing Splits Pose):
  • Lie on the back. Keep the heels together. 
  • Put the hands on the floor by the side of the body. 
  • Stretch one of the feet forward and loosen the other leg. 
  • Inhale slowly. Slowly lift the tight leg up. Hold the breath. 
  • Remain in this position for six to eight seconds. 
  • Then slowly lower the leg without jerk and exhale. 
  • Take rest for six to eight seconds and practice this exercise with the other leg. 
  • In the beginning, this asana should be practiced four times with each leg. After practice, on can practice this asana six times with each leg. 
  • This asana being easy should be performed regularly be a student of Yoga.

Advantages of Ekapada Uttanasana (Standing Splits Pose):
  • This asana relieves stomach pain and tones up the liver, the spleen and the kidneys.
  • It reduces abdominal obesity.
  • It removes swelling in the legs, tones up the blood circulation in the legs and relives pain in the knees and the lower parts of the legs.
  • It relieves pain during in the menstrual periods.
  • It cures indigestion, gas-trouble and intestinal disorders.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the upper part of the body (thorax). It strengthens the lungs.

  • Weight Loss
  • Constipation
  • Asthma
  • Backache
  • GI disorders
  • Rheumatism
  • Varicose veins
  • Digestive disorders