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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mula Bandha, Jalandhara Bhanda and Uddiyana Bandha

These three’ Bandhas’ are chiefly performed during the practise of Pranayama. The techniques and the advantages of these three Bandhas have been given below:


  • Press the lower abdominal muscle with the right heel and place the left heel at the root of the genitals.
  • Contract the anal sphincter muscle upwards to the spine and feel the sensation that ‘apanavayu’ is drawn up.
  • The exercise can be done replacing the left leg for the right one

  • This ‘Bandha’ enables the aspirant to accomplish accuracy in Pranayama.
  • The practice of this Bandha helps to maintain celibacy.
  • It kindles gastric fire, eliminates constipation and nourishes virility.
  • It awakens the Kundalini.
  • The aspirant of this Bandha enjoys youth for a very long time.


  • Assume the sitting posture.
  • Contract the neck and the throat (glottis) and brig the head low.
  • Press the chin firmly against the chest.
  • Jalandhar Bandha is practiced at the end of inhalator and in the beginning of retention of breath.
  • At the end of Puraka or inhalation, it becomes ‘Antarika Kumbhaka’ and at the end of exhalation, it becomes ‘Bahya Kumbhaka’.
  • A beginner should first achieve proficiency in Pranayama before practicing this ‘Bandha’.

  • Prana (Energy) begins to flow in its proper channel by the practise of this ‘Bandha’.
  • This Bandha sublimates Kundalini Shakti.
  • This Bandha closes the Ida and the Pingala ‘nadis’.


  • This Bandha can be practiced in either standing posture or sitting posture.
  • In the standing posture place the hands slightly above the knees.
  • Bend the body slightly forward.
  • Keep the legs apart.
  • Exhale with full force.
  • Now contact the abdomen and pull it upwards and backward to the spine with the force of the navel and the diaphragm.
  • The diaphragm will be pulled up and the abdominal wall will be pushed up to the back.
  • This Bandha is practiced after ‘Kumbhaka’ and before ‘Rechaka’.

  • One who practises Uddiyana Bhanda regularly attains eternal youth.
  • This ‘Bandha’ helps in preserving celibacy.
  • It awakens Kundalini Shakti.
  • The constant practice of this Bandha makes the body vigorous and healthy.

  • All these three ‘Bandha’ should be practiced first with the help of either Siddhasana or Padmasana.
  • When these three Bandhas are practiced simultaneously, they are called ‘Tribandha’.

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