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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Nadis- the Ida, the Pingala and the Sushumna

  • Energy or life force flows through these three Nadis (tubular channels).
  • Their deities are the Moon, the Sun and the Fire respectively.
  • The Ida starts from the left nostril, the Pingala from the right nostril and the Sushumna where both the nostrils meet.
  • Hence the Sushumna is considered to be the ‘central channel’ (Madhaya Nadi). The Ida (left) and the Pingala (right) change their sound hourly.

  • The Ida is also called the Nadi of the Moon. It is cool and has an element of ‘Tamas’. It regulates human thoughts.

  • The Pingala is also called the nadi of the Sun. It is warm and has an element of ‘Rajas’. It regulates energy or life force in human body.
  • The Sushumna is also called the Brahmnadi of all nadis, the Sushumna is the most important. In some books, it has been named as ‘Saraswati’ or ‘Shanti’ nadi. This nadi is neither warm nor cool but it is moderate. This nadi imparts wisdom and knowledge. It helps an aspirant in his spiritual progress.

  • From the physical point of view. The co-ordination of these three nadis gives health, strength, mental peace and long life.

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