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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Surya Bhedana (Right Nostril Breathing or Revitalizing Breath)

‘Surya Bhedana’ means piercing the Pingala nadi. The chief object of Pranayama is to rouse the Pingala nadi. The Surya Bhedana exercise stimulates that part of the brain which contains Purusha Shakti i.e., the life-force (vital force). The practice of Surya Bhedana produces heat in the body. Therefore, this exercise is more beneficial during winter.

Procedure for Surya Bhedana (Right Nostril Breathing or Revitalizing Breath):
  • Sit in the Padmasana or the Siddhasana position.
  • Close the eyes.
  • Close the left nostril with the little finger of the right hand.
  • Inhale deeply through the right nostril.
  • Then close the right nostril with the right thumb.
  • Rest the chin in the notch between the collar bones just above the breast bone. (This is Jalandhara Banda.) Now practice Kumbhaka (Retention of breath). 
  • Gradually, increase the thumb and exhale slowly through the left nostril.
  • Repeat this exercise in the same order.
 Advantages of Surya Bhedana (Right Nostril Breathing or Revitalizing Breath):
  • The constant practice of this Pranayama purifies the mind and cures intestinal diseases
  • This Pranayama cures rheumatism and the diseases related to ‘vata’ (windiness). Moreover, it is the best remedy for blood impurities, skin diseases and leucoderma.
  • It invigorates the liver and liver and bile is produced in a sufficient quantity.
  • Improves digestion
  • Awakens 'Kundalini Shakti'

  • Intestinal worms
  • Arthritis
  • Sinusitis
  • Digestive disorders 

  • Unhealthy persons should practice this Pranayama in winter and in monsoon sitting under the light rays of the risings sun or in the moderate rays of the setting sun in the evening.

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